An interoperative web-GIS that federates groundwater data from disparate sources to assist groundwater researchers and help water managers make the correct choices for the sustainable use of a precious resource.
Search and access over 1,589 groundwater and other related resources: reports, fact sheets, journal articles, spatial layers and more.
Open access to the datasets featured in VVG. You can use it however you like to build apps and tools, for research or to gain insights and understanding.
The 3D scene allows you to see areas from the VVG portal in 3D. This includes aquifer layers, WMIS bores and surface elevation. Access to 3D Scene is via the VVG portal. The option will be greyed out until you are zoomed in to a minimum of 1:250k
Making the invisible visible: the impact of federating groundwater data in Victoria, Australia J. Hydroinformatics (March 2016)
Quick guide to get started. These instructions are a rough guide on how to use the map. We also have a comprehensive set of FAQs.
Documentary short film providing an insight into the Visualising Victoria's Groundwater (VVG) project. - VVG is an interoperative web-GIS that federates groundwater data from disparate sources to assist groundwater researchers and help water managers make the correct choices for the sustainable use of a precious resource.
The updated and modernised Visualising Victoria's Groundwater portal will be launched by Associate Professor Peter Dahlhaus from Federation...
Read moreA series of short films with leading experts sharing their knowledge and insights about the concept of data democracy has been launched.
Read moreThe VVG project was presented by Dr Peter Dahlhaus at the 41st IAH International Congress, "Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies", 15-19...
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