General VVG project roadmap is as follows:
1. Establish the research basis for the VVG project by:
- extending the project into new and innovative areas where possible
- publishing (preferably in peer-reviewed international journals)
- collaborating with partners on research and papers:
- applying for research funding
- encouraging postgraduate student involvement
2. Get the bore coverage for the entire State on-line in the first 6 months
- convert DSE's GMS to MySQL, map the fields to the current view and get it online
- convert DPI's GEDIS to MySQL, map the fields to the current view and get it online
- convert DPI's FFSR salinity database to MySQL, map the fields to the current view and get it online
- include UB Spatial bores not held in the above databases
3. Enhance the bore data (second 6 months)
- DSE GMS data cleaning and establish the protocols for cleaned data handling via DSE
- digitise the boring records and attach the digitised records to the bores
- add stratigraphy where possible (especially from Honours and Postgrad theses)
- map stratigraphy to hydrostratigraphy (Victorian aquifer framework)
- develop metadata information
4. Benchmark current productivity (year 1)
- contact partners to solicit their involvement
- design and implement web-survey
- follow-up interviews
5. Improve look and feel of the VVG portal (years 1 & 2)
- graphic design of the web-pages and their layout
- improve menu selection
- improve legend design
- improve speed
- include more background information
- develop help files
- include feedback opportunity
6. Implement interoperability (years 1 & 2)
7. Improve broadband service (years 1 & 2)
- work with UB to establish large pipe broadband service
8. Expand data sets (year 1 & 2)
- include Mineral Springs data
- include springs data
- include SRW 3D model surfaces
- include DSE 3D model surfaces
- include DEM surface
- enhance background imagery
- explore the inclusion of Satellite imagery (e.g. MODIS?)
- explore the inclusion of EPA and MW data
9. Improve graphical displays (year 2)
- display water chemistry as:
- milliequivalent pie charts
- Piper plots
- stiff diagrams
- Durov plots
- automate graphical logs for:
10. Develop visualisation and interpolation models (year 2)
- time-series animations
- depth to groundwater
- cross-sections and fence diagrams
- simple 3D bore plots (bores hanging below a surface)
- complex 3D models (voxel models of aquifers)
- 3D fly throughs
11. Include telemetered data (year 2)
- set up telemetered waterlevel loggers
- set up automatic polling of loggers and inclusion of data in bore database
12. Hand-held mobility (year 2)
- develop in-field data entry
- develop applications for hand-held access to VVG data