The VAF was developed by the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE, now DELWP) to provide a consistent approach to defining and naming the commonly accepted aquifers and aquitards that make up Victoria's groundwater systems. It is intended to assist in the sustainable management of groundwater resources in Victoria and provide the framework for mapping aquifers and aquitards across the State. The details of the Victorian Aquifer Framework are provided in the VAF report.
Aquifer Name | Aquifer Code | Aquifer code |
Quaternary Aquifer | QA | 100 |
Upper Tertiary / Quaternary Basalts | UTB | 101 |
Upper Tertiary / Quaternary Aquifer | UTQA | 102 |
Upper Tertiary / Quaternary Aquitard | UTQD | 103 |
Upper Tertiary Aquifer (marine) | UTAM | 104 |
Upper Tertiary Aquifer (fluvial) | UTAF | 105 |
Upper Tertiary Aquitard | UTD | 106 |
Upper-Mid Tertiary Aquifer | UMTA | 107 |
Upper-Mid Tertiary Aquitard | UMTD | 108 |
Lower-Mid Tertiary Aquifer | LMTA | 109 |
Lower-Mid Tertiary Aquitard | LMTD | 110 |
Lower Tertiary Aquifer | LTA | 111 |
Lower Tertiary Basalts | LTB | 112 |
Cretaceous and Permian Sediments | CPS | 113 |
Cretaceous and Palaeozoic Bedrock (basement) | BSE | 114 |
The 3D aquifer surfaces were generated to support understanding about the distribution of aquifers and aquitards to assist in groundwater resource management. The following participants funded the development of the 3D aquifer surfaces for the State of Victoria.
The initial 3D surfaces for aquifers and aquitards in the Southern Rural Water area were provided by Southern Rural Water Corporation. Some surfaces were modified and additional surfaces generated for Southern Rural Water's area. Some surfaces remain unmodified from the data provided by Southern Rural Water. The significant contribution of Southern Rural Water to the development of 3D aquifer and aquitard surfaces is acknowledged and greatly appreciated.
Initial data layers for the Loddon and Campaspe catchments were provided by Goulburn Murray Water. These layers were modified and incorporated into the data layers for the Murray Basin. The contribution of Goulburn Murray Water to the development of 3D aquifer and aquitard surfaces is acknowledged and greatly appreciated.
The methodology for the development of the 3D layers is provided in the 3D Aquifer report.
The 3D numeric surfaces (grids) of each aquifer have been styled and converted to GeoTIFF by the VVG project to optimise them for display and querying on the web.
The initial grids were supplied in June 2012. The current grids are those updated on October 2013. When new data is supplied to us, we have to make the files suitable for viewing within the VVG portal, however endeavour to upload the updates within a week of receiving them.
The 3D aquifer surfaces may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the contents are without flaw of any kind or are wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. Information published by the Victorian Government is considered to be true and correct at the time of publication. Changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of this information and the Victorian Government gives no assurance of any information or advice contained.