Bore Details: 316710

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Datum Longitude Latitude MGA zone Easting(m) Northing(m)
GDA 1994 146.396790 -38.185771 55 447173.3 5773401.0
Surveyed Elevation (m AHD) Digitised Elevation (m AHD) Location Accuracy Total Depth Completion date Status
5.95 15.20 1950-12-22 Active/Used

Ownership and usage

Bore Authority Bore type Bore use
Groundwater SEC Bores (Use unidentified)
Monitoring status Monitoring frequency Parish Old Bore ID Local Bore name
Not Monitored MARYVALE 866

Construction Details


 No aquifer details available

 No water level records available for this bore

 No hydrochemistry information available for this bore

 No lithographical information available for this bore

 No stratigraphy information for this bore

Further links
View this bore in the State Government Water Measurement Information System (WMIS) system

Please note: Links have been updated to reflect the 2024 WMIS website, however there are a number of non-government managed bore types which are no longer maintained within WMIS. Links to these bores will display a blank panel on WMIS for the moment. A future update will remove links for these types of bores.

Disclaimer: The content of this web site is provided for information purposes only. No claim is made as to the accuracy of authenticity of the content of the website. In no event will the Corangamite CMA, University of Ballarat or its agents and employees be liable for the accuracy of the information contained on this web site nor its use or reliance placed on it. Information is considered to be true and correct at the time of publication. Changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of this information. Federation University Australia