Title |
Enabling global exchange of groundwater data: GroundWaterML2 (GWML2) |
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Keywords | General hydrogeology, Geographic information systems, GroundWaterML2, Groundwater data standards |
URL | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10040-018-1747-9 |
Abstract |
GWML2 is an international standard for the online exchange of groundwater data that addresses the problem of data heterogeneity. This problem makes groundwater data hard to find and use because the data are diversely structured and fragmented into numerous data silos. Overcoming data heterogeneity requires a common data format; however, until the development of GWML2, an appropriate international standard has been lacking. GWML2 represents key hydrogeological entities such as aquifers and water wells, as well as related measurements and groundwater flows. It is developed and tested by an international consortium of groundwater data providers from North America, Europe, and Australasia, and facilitates many forms of data exchange, information representation, and the development of online web portals and tools. |
Publish Date | 21st March 2018 |
ISSN | 1435-0157 |